Para Food
Para Food s r.o.
Revoluční 10
Praha, 110 00
Czech Republic
Offer your customers this premium oil at our unbeatable price.
Organic Brazil nut oil has a unique delectable buttery smell and deep soft taste.
Brazil nut oil boosts the immune system thanks to its high nutritional value, antioxidant properties and provides the body with energy for everyday activities.
It is a great source of many vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C and E), omega 6 and 9 fatty acids and trace elements (sodium, magnesium, selenium, potassium, calcium, iron, copper, phosphorus and zinc).
It is a great addition to vegetarian and vegan diets.
Brazil nut is a wild fruit and its production does not harm the environment.
Interested in special prices for your shop or supermarket?
Do you want to be our distributor partner in Europe?
Do you wat more information about PARAoil - Brazil Nut Oil?
Contact: Ondřej Brach
Importer: Para Food s r.o.,
+420 774 409 646 (mobile)
+420 257 311 513 (fax)

We can provide you the bellow size of bottles and quantity per each package of Brazil Nut Oil:
Brazil Nut Oil 250ml Glass Bottle
1 Carton - 12 bottles per carton - Weight: cca 3KG
Brazil Nut Oil 500ml Glass Bottle
1 Carton - 8 bottles per carton - Weight: cca 4KG
Brazil Nut Oil 20l Jerrycan
1 Jerrycan - Plastic - Weight: cca 18KG
We can provide you the bellow size of bottles and quantity per each package of Brazil Nut Oil:
Brazil Nut Oil 250ml Glass Bottle
1 Euro-pallet of 75 cartons / 900 bottles Brutto - Weight: cca 450 kgs per pallet
Brazil Nut Oil 500ml Glass Bottle
1 Euro-pallet of 60 cartons / 480 bottles Brutto - Weight: cca 430 kgs per pallet
Brazil Nut Oil 20l Plastic Jerrycan UN Homologated
1 Euro-pallet of 13 jerrycan / Brutto - Weight: cca 234 kgs p.

Brazil Nut Oil bottle. Para ořechový olej

Brazil Nut Oil Wholesale Supermarket

Brazil Nut Oil bottle. Para ořechový olej

Brazil Nut Oil for Shops

Brazil Nut Oil Shop

Brazil Nut Oil Wholesale in Europe. Paraořechový olej.

Brazil Nut Oil for Shops
– used in salads and desserts, and also for frying and baking.
Brazil nut oil contains Omega 6 and 9 fatty acids (linoleic and oleic acid), that help to lower LDL (bad cholesterol) and to raise HDL (good cholesterol) blood levels.
The oil has by far the highest content of selenium, which is essential for the production of two antioxidant enzymes: glutathione peroxidase and thioredoxin reductase. Selenium has strong anti-inflammatory effects and neutralizes free radicals. Together with vitamin E, selenium reduces the risk of myocardial infarction and vascular diseases (they prevent blood clots), positively influences foetal development during pregnancy and also supports proper metabolism of thyroid hormones (triiodothyronine) and boosts sperm mobility. It also increases the natural level of testosterone in men and reduces male infertility.
Due to the high content of B complex, Brazil nut oil alleviates nervous disorders, such as irritation, depression, poor concentration, memory loss, decreased performance. Brazil oil consumption is therefore recommended when quitting smoking.
The methionine content has a beneficial effect on chronic diseases and suppresses aging symptoms.
Brazil nut oil is important for muscle function thanks to the magnesium content. It prevents lactic acid from accumulating in muscles and enhances protein absorption in the body.
The copper in Brazil nut oil is also essential for the production of bone, connective tissues, and for bone strengthening.
The high content of zinc helps with treatment of skin diseases.
PARA oil as food
PARA oil for skin
–absorbs quickly and does not leave a greasy film
Brazil nut oil fights acne and inflammation and speeds up cell regeneration thanks to its high content of selenium, vitamin E and zinc. Thanks to its unique composition pigmented lesions and wrinkles decrease, skin redness is reduced and toxins are flushed out from the body. Brazil nut oil keeps the integrity of mucosa and the skin, protects the skin from cancer, hydrates it and due to the collagen production, it is a powerful anti-aging agent. The copper in the oil stimulates the production of melatonin – a pigment protecting us from harmful UV radiation which prepares the skin for effortless tanning.
PARA oil for hair
–apply and rinse or apply a small amount after washing
Selenium in Brazil nut oil restores hair growth and prevents hair loss. Omega 3 fatty acids stimulate the natural grease secretion in the glands on the crown of the head which nourishes hair roots. Regular application gives hair strength and natural shine. Amino acids support blood supply to the skin, which is important for hair nourishment. Thanks to vitamin E, hair does not break.

The Brazil Nut grow up on the Amazonian rainforest

Brazil Nut Oil

Brazil Nut Oil Pasta

Brazil Nut vs. other nuts

Brazil nuts are rightfully considered a superfood due to their concentrated content of a wide range of nutrients.